Using a month, we trained the students 
1 *How to settle the final goal,
2 *How to reach each step of the object such as the short-term, middle-term, long-term object,
3*Each day, each week, each month, how to make the priority order, act, check, revise, replan skills,
4 *How to communicate efficiently, and
5, *How to reach the goal

*Teach the Key person about

The sustainability, – people just imagine – ecology related to waste “Plastic” or “Wasted food”, but actually it is not just this issue. It is related to every aspect – local business, education, elderly care, landscape design, architecture design, transportation.

A: How does the local producer make the balance between nature (supply) and human society (consumer),
B: Who can be the employee,
C: How does the company reduce the waste, reuse and recycle the waste to support local other producer or people or spaces,
D: How to teach the young generation to keep local people lifestyle and preserve nature,
E: How to make some space for the local environment where can give every single person a role, dignity, respected to create a circular system
F: Energy: what kind of clean energy is useful for local and which places can installed at public spaces, how to make the positive circulation
G: Space/Architecture: how can we reduce the wasted open space.
How can we architecture to improve community – like public edible garden, public bus stop rooftop garden for bee, building reuse for multiple purposes for a local organisation or people to reduce their expenses.
H: How to make the transportation system related to zero-emission using the bicycle or walk paths.

Each topic which consists of the system of community, people need to think about the environment, culture, tradition, and find the problem and solve the problems with the material which they have already.

It was one of the Leadership skills, which is useful skills for self-development, time management, organisation-management.

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