Sustainability is a key issue for every single community nowadays.

Notably, food safety and food security are one of the essential subjects that urgently we need to reform the system. Due to globalisation and capitalism, every single minute, we contaminate and destroy the nature thirty football field. Besides, since 1990, the farmer’s number has been declining, on the other hands, the farm size has been increasing.

It means agriculture became a mechanised industry by the prominent investor to got a huge benefit for their pocket.
= Good example is Monsanto = Genetic Modified Food
= It contaminates more soil and water resources.

Now 2019, humanity is currently using nature 1.75 times faster than our planet’s ecosystems can regenerate. This is akin to using 1.75 Earths. Overshoot is possible because we are depleting our natural capital – which compromises humanity’s future resource security.

Besides, in the future – by 2050, our world population become 10 billion. The time, how can we supply enough food for every single person?
Nowadays, consumption number, and way of producing the food, how can we keep our body healthy?

The necessary thing is to make sustainable circular function at each community with a small size of agriculture. And using empty space, rooftop, or wall, it would be essential to design the urban landscape with an edible garden for the local community by local people.

Time to create a community garden.

In Austria – Vienna – in 4 years, I can start to see many community gardens as urban design.
And the combination with children cooking lesson and urban edible garden lesson, the local citizen have being created an educational program and social welfare for the people who need helps.

Here in Taiwan, also as the example, my friend and my lifework companion have started to make a community garden.

Peace Week will create more community garden and will expand the facility with co-working space, co-producing space, co-education space, co-care centre, and co-market for a sustainable circular, smart city.