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Peace Week

Our Organization addresses the global social problems, and reforms the social system to be a more decent world where all creature can feel dignity and respect on the earth through the educational program, management the event & the program, consultation the way of sustainability ecological solution and Peace Building at each level of community. Our goal is to make a world a better place & peaceful place. For peace & protection environment, we do not need the hero or superstar, but everybody can be someone’s hero and star at own living place for family and for the people nearest us. Never worry about the number, Help one person at the time and always start with the person nearest you. As individual actions, I walked 14,100 km, planted over 5000 trees, held lectures at 800 schools, and helped 300 orphanages, *Through the walking steps, I could carry my education program since 2012, Organized the international education program cooperating with United Nation, Ministry, Embassy, Municipality. *And from 2017, I started to reform the social system with my group at Bulgaria, Vietnam and Baltic countries, giving my advice to government & organisation for sustainable design of the community in various sizes. I try to expand the platform in the entire world. In these 3 approaches, 1.) Walk, 2.) Education 3.) Build a sustainable platform. I have been trying to change the world a better place. Please visit our homepage and check our innovating, outstanding programs for making a world a better place. https://pwekopia.wordpress.com

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